Monday, November 21, 2011
Thanksgiving Message from Sue, Alex and Izzy!
Happy Tanksgibin fer are fellow Americans. Mom wood radder stay home wif usens an watch a marathon on tb but her hab to go to her brudder's house by orders ob da gwamma. Mom otay wif it. Her kin hide in Maggie's room ifn her git oberwelmed.
So here wese bese. CHERRIES! CHERRIES! CHERRIES! Cherries in nobember from Chile. Chile Cherries! Kin youse tell wese like cherries? Mese wefuse to cooprate wif da foto shoot sose mese runnin away from mese cherry, youse sees it ober der? Soon as mom put away da kamra box mese eat it. An Izzy, well hims wanna hide dat cherry from mom eben dough her jest gib it to him. Wen will he lern dat mom da good guy here? Wese woodna hab cherry if not fer mom. Hoo else cud go to Chile fer cherries fer usens?
Cherry in da mouf worf too in mom's hands.
SmartAlex, Nobember 21, 2011
Mese gonna bite dat cherry.
Izzy Bites, Nobember 21, 2011
News ob de week
Happy Happy Birfday to are Anti Kafleen dis day! Wese bary happy onaconna wese hab Anti Kafleen bak after all dese monts.
Happy Dopshun day dis pass Satday to Lucky Von Beakmiester. Lucky an Chester pweeze check in wif usens. Wese miss youse.
End ob de news
So wese tink wese nebber get brekky dis day. Mom tookd da dishes but den her weed her email and suddenly der bese lazer beems comin out her eyes. An her holler fer da gwamma an gwamma bring de papers mom axe for. Mom call a fone number and her saying all kind ob bad werds like &*^%$ )(*&%$## @#$%^, sounds sorta like rackit frackit nackit. Mese tink dis hab sumfin to do wif da gwammas medicine and mese heer cvs caremark and to stop sendin da gwamma pills wen her dono need dem. Her hab 190 pills an her only take 1 a day an dey twyin to send mo! So now mom bese in charge ob orderin dems. So her go to sign onto gwammas account an it no werk. More lazer beems, more bad werds, anudder fone call. All dis afore her gotted are fotos weddy.
An mese sees mom's list fer dis day. Der bese tree mo fone calls her must make fer da gwamma an too fer mom. Did no bese a gud day to bese nex to mom's desk. Mom sometime wanna trow dat fone wite out da winder.
Otay den, hab youse self a merry liddle Tanksgibin. And youse dat lib in odder country, youse haba a merry liddle Tursday. An youse all hab a gud week.
Mese an Izzy will be cookin up sumfin fer nex week. O O, wese ferget to tell youse dat mom cut off her thumb wif da mandolin wen her makin french onion soup. Sowwy mom, her say her only cut off part of it an it gwowin back. Gess dat no bese wot da sekret ingwedient bese in da soup.
Wese sees youse nex week!
Monday Alex Trix
an Izzy wif a cherry on top
Friday, October 14, 2011
Ground Hog Cuteness!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Squirrels a running in Fall
I've been seeing a lot of squirrels gathering food for the winter. I love watching them run around, finding nuts and goodies to bury for later. They are so cute and sweet.
Some are brave and sit on our front porch nibbling nuts and ignoring our dogs as they bark up a storm. I always know it's a squirrel by a certain worried bark that Penny, my dog, makes. She really gets annoyed by them. I think it's because she followed one too many up into the kids treehouse. Sometimes...
I just wish squirrels could always find away across the street that is safe...either by wires or tree limbs. It's very sad. Too many critters, and not just squirrels are causalities to cars zipping around. I wish people would drive a little slower. I really do think this is key is maintaining animal safety and especially human safety.
Some are brave and sit on our front porch nibbling nuts and ignoring our dogs as they bark up a storm. I always know it's a squirrel by a certain worried bark that Penny, my dog, makes. She really gets annoyed by them. I think it's because she followed one too many up into the kids treehouse. Sometimes...
I just wish squirrels could always find away across the street that is safe...either by wires or tree limbs. It's very sad. Too many critters, and not just squirrels are causalities to cars zipping around. I wish people would drive a little slower. I really do think this is key is maintaining animal safety and especially human safety.
News from Monday Alex (a tad late)
Gud Monday to are fwens. Hope youse all bese well. Nuttin much hapnin roun here ceptin mom watchin all da food channel stuffs an tinkin her a chef.
Here mese bese pwacticin da little known frozen squirl mobe in da ancient martial art of numnuts. An der bese da Izzy eatin a gwape. Only timin Izzy dono bite is ifn hims hab fud in hims mout.
Ifn youse watch da frozen squirl hims will disappear afor youse eyez.
SmartAlex, September 12, 2011
Mese bitin it.
Izzy Bites, September 12, 2011
News ob de week
Happy Birfday to Kelly at Bey's Rock Shop.
Gud tauts fer all da sikkies an injured. An pweeze hab gut tauts fer mom hoo bese habbin trubble wif da insulin. Seems to be makin her worst. Tanks.
Told youse wese hab a borin week.
End ob de news.
So here wese go into anudder borin week. OH NO! Mese fergets dat mese sawed da dirt buckets go past. Dey wented out to get worshed an den mom spended lots ob timin puttin in dirt bricks and waterin dem. Izzy gonna git a good cage cleanin an new dirt fer da winter. Ha Ha Izzy, mese laffin at youse. Mese also seed a bag dat say all natural aspen beddin. Wonder wot dat bese. Oh mese oh mise, mese tink dat wot her put on da bottom ob mese attica. Dat meens mese compost heap gonna bese tookd away. Oh mese squirrliness. Wot a boy to do wif a kleen kage? Her bedder no gib me a new nest, den mese hab to chew off da holders agin.
Mebbe dis no bese such a borin week aftroll. Lets see ifn mom kin make it tru da week wifout gittin her bitted!
Otay wese sees youse nex week. Teefs an all.
Monday Alex Trix
Izzy the teef
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
I think this is my fave squirrel pic...looks like this little guy is thinking while he's nibbling. :)
OKay, this one is pretty high on the cute factor! Did you know that Beatrix Potter loved squirrels too? She was especially fond of the tufted variety. I may have to do a painting of one of these guys.
All of these squirrels are from Russia. I will need to find some cute pics of some from around PA.
Monday Alex!
Gud Monday, Gud September, an gud Labor day, woteber dat bese. Wese hope youse all bese well dis day.
So here wese bese wif are September gests. Mese an Izzy bofe be lukkin down on dose tree fotos onaconna dey bese KATS! Wese hab to make shur dey dono wanna eat us. Dese bese day kat ub are Anti Lisa R. Dey bese bary pretty kats an one ob dem kin reed!
Der names bese Baxter, Jynx hoo reeds, an Max. So pweeze gib a hand fer are September gests. Deys bese in are gest box fer awile. Mese tink dey mite be hungry. Dat Y wese lukkin down.
Squirl an kat kin bese fwens inside but outside dey wanna eat us.
SmartAlex, September 5, 2011
Mese gonna BITE dem.
Izzy Bites, September 5, 2011
News ob de week
Are Anti Brenda from Canada hab her birfday on Sept 2
Sara Doggie hab her barkday on Sept 1
Are anti Laura hab her birfday but wese ferget witch day
Heidi Holly Rose, mese dog, hab her dopshun day on Tursday dis week.
Anti Diane, Maggie's mom hab her birfday on Sept 10.
Wese ax fer tauts fer are Anti Marta fer her back, an Anti Lori fer her back. An fer all dose baby squirl dat were orfan in da hurrcane dat lots ob mese antis bese takin car ob an feedin round da clock. Wese also ax fer tauts fer dose dat are in floods onaconna der bese so many.
An spechul tauts fer Anti Kay.
End ob de news.
So der wese bese. Wese bak after one week ob forced bakashun. Wese hope wese dono miss anyone onaconna mom kinda bese an airhead wite now. All her tink about bese food shows. Dat onaconna her canna eat and must plan her meals aroun dat ole diebeets. Her dono eben et her sugarfwee wafrs anymo.
Otay den wese sees youse next week an mebbe we will hab sum adbenchurs dis week. Izzy bin in dat weel so much dat mese tink he mite hab mobed us to China.
Monday Alex Trix
Izzy von Chipmunk
Baxter, Jynx, an Max Ryman-Kats
Squirrel of a different color
Thought this was interesting about different colors of squirrels as well as why counting squirrel populations are of importance.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Campus Squirrel Reports & Russian Squirrels
We're going through our older emails and planning on sharing the latest on the Campus Squirrel Report. If you are in college, have been to college, work at college or visit one, get ready to report your findings. We want to know about the squirrels in your hometown. If you want to share your squirrel findings, outside of college life, we would love to hear about this too. We are very pro squirrel here!
Here is a lovely glimpse of some Russian Squirrels shared by Merimel:
He also has gotten birds to sit on his hand, others have said that, pretty soon "bears will come down the trees to check it out":)
This man has been feeding this squirrel for a few months, now she comes down and sits on his hand when eating.
Monday News from Sue and Alex!
Hi, there! I love hearing the news from Alex the Squirrel, Izzy the Chipmunk and his human friend, Sue. Every Monday they share what's happening in their nest to ours. Here's today's message! Enjoy! :)
Gud Monday to are fwens. How bese all mese fwens dis nice day? It bese cool an bweezy outside here but hoo care, wese lib inside a contwoled enviroment. Wese bese spoilt.
Since wese hab no Monday Gest dis mont, wese decided to share wif youse are outside brodder (or sister as da case maybe) Tod da Toad. Hims helped mom to grill on Satday an hims spented da hole day out der wif mom an at de end ob da day hims were wite der on da patio under da door steps. Mom enjoy hims company. Mom always like da wild aminal, eben ifn hims a toad. Her feel speshul wen da wild ones hang around.
Here bese mese lukky hansom Xcept fer da real black eye. Mese eyes were red an mom fix dem but it come out rong so her had to fix it da hard way an mom no longer likes to mess wif da fotos so mese eye luk ugly.
Here bese Izzy wif da glub. Hims always fsinate by dis glub. Mese dono unnderstand.
And den der bese Tod doin wot a toad do. Jest sittin der lukky like a toad.
Mom luk all ober fer hims ystday but hims bese gone. Mebbe hims will com back dis day.
Ifn youse hab to share youse mom, mite as well bese a toad onaconna squirl much cuter dan toad. SmartAlex, August 22, 2011
Hmph, mese bit im. Izzy Bites, Augus 22, 2011
News ob de week
Da bridge got more crowded dis week.
Wese losted Sammi Squirl ob Anti Vicki.
Banner Squirl ob Anti Stacey.
An Rocky poodle from da JJ Gang.
Godspeed are fwens.
Happy Birfday last Monday to Luigi an Storm kats.
Happy Birfday to Unka Robert Dowdy in Heaven.
Mese gotta new bell. First timin mese hab a new bell onaconna da one I like to swing on were USED by da first Alex.
Mom has to stick herself wif insulin afore bed now. Her seems a bit bedder now.
Gud tauts fer all da sikkies out der.
End ob de news.
Yep mom finly got me a new bell. I guess her notice der be no chew tins left on de ole one. Oh an her was at petsmart fer Heidi to get gwoomed.
Mom bin bedder at brekky too. Not makin mese wate all day.
Otay den, wese sees youse next week.
Monday Alex Trix
Izzy the Chippy
an da missin Tod da Toad
If you would like to get Sue's Monday Alex Updates, let me know and we can contact her. :)
Gud Monday to are fwens. How bese all mese fwens dis nice day? It bese cool an bweezy outside here but hoo care, wese lib inside a contwoled enviroment. Wese bese spoilt.
Since wese hab no Monday Gest dis mont, wese decided to share wif youse are outside brodder (or sister as da case maybe) Tod da Toad. Hims helped mom to grill on Satday an hims spented da hole day out der wif mom an at de end ob da day hims were wite der on da patio under da door steps. Mom enjoy hims company. Mom always like da wild aminal, eben ifn hims a toad. Her feel speshul wen da wild ones hang around.
Here bese mese lukky hansom Xcept fer da real black eye. Mese eyes were red an mom fix dem but it come out rong so her had to fix it da hard way an mom no longer likes to mess wif da fotos so mese eye luk ugly.
Here bese Izzy wif da glub. Hims always fsinate by dis glub. Mese dono unnderstand.
And den der bese Tod doin wot a toad do. Jest sittin der lukky like a toad.
Mom luk all ober fer hims ystday but hims bese gone. Mebbe hims will com back dis day.
Ifn youse hab to share youse mom, mite as well bese a toad onaconna squirl much cuter dan toad. SmartAlex, August 22, 2011
Hmph, mese bit im. Izzy Bites, Augus 22, 2011
News ob de week
Da bridge got more crowded dis week.
Wese losted Sammi Squirl ob Anti Vicki.
Banner Squirl ob Anti Stacey.
An Rocky poodle from da JJ Gang.
Godspeed are fwens.
Happy Birfday last Monday to Luigi an Storm kats.
Happy Birfday to Unka Robert Dowdy in Heaven.
Mese gotta new bell. First timin mese hab a new bell onaconna da one I like to swing on were USED by da first Alex.
Mom has to stick herself wif insulin afore bed now. Her seems a bit bedder now.
Gud tauts fer all da sikkies out der.
End ob de news.
Yep mom finly got me a new bell. I guess her notice der be no chew tins left on de ole one. Oh an her was at petsmart fer Heidi to get gwoomed.
Mom bin bedder at brekky too. Not makin mese wate all day.
Otay den, wese sees youse next week.
Monday Alex Trix
Izzy the Chippy
an da missin Tod da Toad
If you would like to get Sue's Monday Alex Updates, let me know and we can contact her. :)
Is that a touch of Fall in the Air?
We squirrel lovers know Fall is the time of year squirrels are at their busiest. Prepping for their winter stores to survive over the long winter and early spring, squirrels are industrious critters when it comes to food storage. Now is the time to keep them in mind when getting your supplies for that outdoor feeder and thinking of adding to their diet during the winter. We don't want skinny squirrels!
A great way to encourage these furry friends is to plant trees that naturally bear nuts and provide coverage from predators. We're lucky in our neighborhood as I've seen trees with hollow spots for squirrels to nest and gives them a safe place as they grow.
Some people find squirrels to be pests. I pity them. They do not see the beauty a creature that has been able to co-exist with people truly is. Surely, some squirrels will invade people's homes (which is a sure sign there needs to be some house fix up...not the squirrels fault) or they think squirrels are stealing food from birds. Quite the contrary. Squirrels will eat nuts and seeds along side birds...and do well with having a designated place to eat w/lots of variety. Often, people will think of squirrels in less flattering terms. This is unfortunate, and I often find these same people have some intolerance towards our feathered friends. There is not much I can say about these folks...All I do know is, life is full of surprises and often they are found in our own backyards. Need to take a break from the chaos of the world? Gaze up into a tree, watch the sway of branches and if you are lucky, admire the birds and squirrels. That song will last with you and be in you.
A few minutes ago every tree was excited, bowing to the roaring storm, waving, swirling, tossing their branches in glorious enthusiasm like worship. But though to the outer ear these trees are now silent, their songs never cease.
John Muir
A great way to encourage these furry friends is to plant trees that naturally bear nuts and provide coverage from predators. We're lucky in our neighborhood as I've seen trees with hollow spots for squirrels to nest and gives them a safe place as they grow.
Some people find squirrels to be pests. I pity them. They do not see the beauty a creature that has been able to co-exist with people truly is. Surely, some squirrels will invade people's homes (which is a sure sign there needs to be some house fix up...not the squirrels fault) or they think squirrels are stealing food from birds. Quite the contrary. Squirrels will eat nuts and seeds along side birds...and do well with having a designated place to eat w/lots of variety. Often, people will think of squirrels in less flattering terms. This is unfortunate, and I often find these same people have some intolerance towards our feathered friends. There is not much I can say about these folks...All I do know is, life is full of surprises and often they are found in our own backyards. Need to take a break from the chaos of the world? Gaze up into a tree, watch the sway of branches and if you are lucky, admire the birds and squirrels. That song will last with you and be in you.
A few minutes ago every tree was excited, bowing to the roaring storm, waving, swirling, tossing their branches in glorious enthusiasm like worship. But though to the outer ear these trees are now silent, their songs never cease.
John Muir
Friday, May 27, 2011
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