Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday Alex Q and hims Buddy Izzy

Thought I'd share a message from our friend, Sue and her buddies! It's been awhile since I've posted an update.
Gud Monday to are fwens. Wese hope youse all bese well. Today Monday Alex/Izzy dedcated to are Anti Daryl. Wese lub youse Anti Daryl. Do youse sees usens wavin? Wese bese so gwad to see dat full moon wanin agin onaconna mom felt like her way tons onaconna her didna wanna git up ceptin to feed mese an Izzy. Her et only cereal onaconna it were easy to make. Dat mom, her bese a funny stwange hoomn but mese lub her, yes mese do. Her hold me wile her watchin tb an pet me all da timin and wese bondin her say. Well mese say bond wite to da kichen an git mese mese meelk. Dat no twuu onaconna mom git mese meelk fer mese like clockwerk. Her lubs feedin mese. Otay on to da fotos. Here bese mese sittin up eatin a cheerio or sumfin, mebbe sum rodent block. But mese sittin up! An mom say da next foto were mese layin down to eat onaconna mese can only sit up fer short timin. An here bese Izzy, lookin out an smilin onaconna hims dono hab to wite monday alex anymo. Hims say it nice to hab all da fambly bak togedder. Dono bite or skwatch youse mom dis week onaconna here com Mudders Day. SmartAlex, May 7, 2012 Now dat Alex bese back mese BITE MOM agin. Izzy Bites, May 7 2012 News ob de week Happy Birfday Anti Rene Satday. Happy Birfday Unka Chuck on Sunday Happy Birfday Anti Janice dis day an Happy Birfday to Anti Suz on Wensday End ob de news So mese enjoyin bein a spoilt brat squirrly. Mese ax fer a seein eye dog. But mom say mese sees bedder dan da Heidi dog an mese no hab eyez. Heidi only sees da fud. Mom call her Heidi Hoover. O mom ax mese to say Hala Madrid onaconna her soccer club did win La Liga in Spain. Da h in Hala is silent. Spanish dono hab Hs. Mom bese a skolar on Spanish now dat her kin count to 1000 and call someone stupid in Spanish. Ifn youse here mom say to youse el tonto or la tanta, her callin youse stupid. Her uzuly do dat only to soccer referees. So mom gib mese some carrot an mese twy in. Tastes gud. Yep Yep. Mese gittin tarred now. Youse nose mese still a baby eben dough mese hab da wisdom ob de Alexes. Sees yous nex week. Oh mese make a funny. Youse sees mese next week! Lub, Monday Alex Quatro an hims brudder Izzy

Squirrels of Spring

Baby Squirrel in Tree
This is the time of year when all squirrels need a little extra care in the form of food. There is a lot of green but not so much food readily available to our furry friend. This is probably why you'll find this critter hanging out at the bird feeders...they're just as hungry the birds. What I suggest is to put out extra dry corn (you can find this at most hardware stores) and sunflower seeds. Not only will the squirrels and birds thank you, but you might get some beautiful flowers as the temps warm up. Another thing you can do to help squirrels and chipmunks is by controlling ticks. What I am doing is taking cotton dipped in a bit of insecticide. The chipmunks and squirrels will use this to pad their nests, so leave it close to where you have a chipmunk hole or squirrels in a tree. This will get rid of ticks and protect you as well. Squirrels for Jakob Some favorite treats we put out for squirrels are dried bread, grapes, seeds, and dried corn. We spread out the bread and corn so as not to attract too much wild life like skunks and racoons. Although, I do love skunks too. :) skunk